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D01 今日: 0|主题: 666|排名: 39 

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Shipyard screenshot question LtSteelfist 2011-12-11 05:10 21631 Harveyp1 2011-12-19 20:29
which is the best nation on bomberwhoring?  ...23 TheAaronJano 2012-4-26 05:41 183477 Krazysride 2012-6-14 02:47
Fang's beginner traninng Class! recommend fangsibo1994 2017-9-28 19:20 31626 learner2012_a 2017-10-5 04:27
Sailor growth rate skowron_eu 2014-2-11 05:46 11280 EricIdle 2014-2-11 06:16
vedio guide for bb beginners recommend zxnhony 2017-12-4 17:02 21669 worldedge 2018-1-22 12:54
Rookie sailors dying. HzHs 2011-10-25 22:37 61391 HzHs 2011-10-29 20:33
Why Repair and restore? not engine? fortytung 2012-3-29 20:40 41584 megabstr 2012-3-31 18:04
Dive bombing help for the noob  ...23 combatcarl56 2012-8-23 23:07 173966 AlexCaboose 2012-10-14 01:00
Bomber planes Video Guide recommend BigHarold 2017-9-29 04:17 21444 BigHarold 2017-9-29 18:55
New captain tips Nexac0r 2017-12-5 00:22 01060 Nexac0r 2017-12-5 00:22
BB starter pack  ...2 diomedesbc 2011-9-16 21:15 82888 DeathAddict 2011-10-12 13:57
problem with the screen size sebito 2011-10-25 23:08 01379 sebito 2011-10-25 23:08
Cross-Nation Sailors pichu10000 2014-12-15 13:49 62450 AmatsuKaigun 2015-1-21 15:05
齑堧炒鞛愲ゼ 鞙勴暅 臧 recommend w6418 2017-12-5 06:01 0838 w6418 2017-12-5 06:01
Sonar on CV  ...23 Orangeminus 2011-8-4 14:52 174689 cambsguy 2012-4-20 06:40
Is the best way to earn XP....  ...2 Mezak76 2014-1-19 12:12 93372 Mezak76 2014-3-8 06:40
Aircraft and their operation: BigHarold 2017-9-29 05:06 0984 BigHarold 2017-9-29 05:06
Fang鈥檚 basic guide video for beginners! recommend fangsibo1994 2017-9-29 06:39 11601 learner2012_a 2017-10-5 04:46
The Biggest CV's With Fighters Should Go North  ...23456..8 Rehor 2012-1-22 16:43 5611382 AndrusN 2013-12-11 21:19
KM CV1 crew loadout (cv noob) combatcarl56 2012-8-24 10:54 21556 combatcarl56 2012-8-24 14:57
New Player Guide Tips recommend aletadik 2017-9-29 11:01 21623 aletadik 2017-9-29 14:46
critical dive phantom3553 2012-5-14 04:33 61706 scottirvine 2012-5-15 07:18
Should I Get Rid of my KM crew?  ...2 bandman232 2012-12-20 10:30 122595 sea_slash 2012-12-22 15:04
ship classification kirdian_eu 2014-3-5 15:05 31344 Benser33 2014-3-6 09:38
cambio de miembros de un escuadron a otro porthos43 2014-5-26 14:17 01414 porthos43 2014-5-26 14:17
Best BB line?  ...23 CabaL90 2011-10-1 12:49 217020 PrathikNS 2011-11-10 23:27
AP Rounds? hailfixr23 2012-1-22 18:08 21237 hailfixr23 2012-1-23 16:23
Newbie Question on crew rolls  ...2 JustAN00b 2012-3-18 19:37 81785 BommerMan 2012-3-19 22:33
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