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D01 今日: 0|主题: 666|排名: 39 

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Muzzle velocity Abu_Bkr 2012-1-4 20:13 62918 phantom3553 2012-1-21 02:26
Price of 1-12 elite sailors? Cuervo 2012-11-1 15:07 61611 quietcos 2012-11-4 01:48
2x base +12 on 1 sailor  ...23 klaas1928 2012-12-21 01:19 163449 mako089 2013-1-4 05:11
carrier coordination axyarthur 2013-11-11 03:19 62312 axyarthur 2013-11-12 16:12
Best way to train a gunner? EnderIII 2011-8-5 12:34 21325 EnderIII 2011-8-5 14:08
What ability is more important when making a AA gunner? When making a torp man? brandona645 2012-3-19 09:39 51779 CNR4806 2012-3-30 09:54
Which nation is the easiest to grind up to BB6? Dawson07 2012-12-21 03:37 41671 nyerkovic 2012-12-21 07:21
BB potential mrebb86 2012-2-11 07:20 21293 Vette117 2012-2-11 10:52
I Need POINTS For Leveling Sailors  ...2 Quenirland 2015-2-14 22:21 82554 Quenirland 2015-2-22 23:09
[MUST READ] Forum punishments Foxhound31FM 2011-12-11 22:12 01795 Foxhound31FM 2011-12-11 22:12
Question about sailors! jj011004 2011-8-14 18:28 21240 jj011004 2011-8-15 13:18
What is slingshotting and how do I do it?  ...2 aztechunter 2012-12-21 06:14 114083 farmerjimmy 2013-1-8 05:01
Hedgehog ranghena 2012-4-13 04:14 41418 jubdub1 2012-4-14 09:50
CV XP f444ran 2012-8-2 09:56 11535 ChicagoBears 2012-8-3 18:12
Each nation's CV standpoint? Bobkills 2013-1-5 15:09 11692 Sonlirain 2013-1-5 17:49
Is it true?  ...2 sailing1ace 2013-6-23 15:34 133315 babyheart 2013-7-7 20:53
CV Plane launch Rawsteel 2013-8-15 21:12 31576 flaggelant 2013-8-16 09:57
returning player 锛寃hy my sailors is gone ?? javarheng00 2013-9-12 21:52 21415 phantom3553 2013-9-12 22:53
Event advantage Piombo 2011-7-15 17:07 21337 Sheimer 2011-7-15 20:24
What do US and UK submarines do?  ...2 leafonline 2015-2-15 22:20 123833 shackle 2015-3-25 17:22
Super Yamato Video Guide recommend sear150 2017-10-2 08:50 31007 a724 2017-10-2 09:28
TB's Video Guide recommend MFNF2 2017-10-2 09:15 41163 Frank88 2017-10-2 09:26
QE guns?? mr_crazy 2011-7-8 10:40 11143 phantom3553 2011-7-8 10:55
Are elite support sailors worth it  ...2 BoS4Life 2012-4-29 08:32 82120 danita 2012-5-20 10:44
BB question and crew Keleanor 2011-10-27 10:20 41667 Keleanor 2011-10-27 22:58
New Sailor and Ship Calculator KamikazeKomi 2012-6-15 13:30 21721 KamikazeKomi 2012-6-16 21:19
getting a good deal on a sailor purchase in trade area-a method tulsa1 2014-2-14 11:47 21664 tulsa1 2014-2-15 06:33
Guam Help  ...2 sniper4033 2014-5-30 19:59 91900 Naharaht 2014-7-2 05:09
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