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D01 今日: 0|主题: 666|排名: 39 

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Is it worth going against AW ships with AP in EBB New York? zhanxia10000 2013-2-1 16:04 21653 ErwinJA 2013-2-2 02:55
The cap for ability of fighters and bombers whuvir888 2014-7-2 10:47 31803 Benser33 2014-7-5 12:16
UK AA gunner delay classing  ...23 mms0208 2012-12-9 20:50 173012 Benser33 2012-12-11 22:24
Nation perks  ...2 noisybadger 2011-7-8 17:53 144811 holyBlaze 2011-7-16 14:56
Suggestions for a returning player McGib_67 2011-8-15 13:49 31355 Rick5000 2011-9-3 13:31
How to win every game without effort  ...2 Eradicator1 2012-1-25 18:39 91893 Monarch 2012-1-26 07:26
a question about vet conversion  ...2 Artoria 2012-4-30 08:16 81845 Elliot2lazy 2012-4-30 19:06
unclassed sailors tiago1118 2013-8-18 08:50 41619 watdahek 2013-8-18 13:02
Wt stats should I get for seaman? clementyan 2011-6-25 09:15 21712 Piombo 2011-6-26 07:35
[Question] From where does A comes? Erich_Josef 2012-3-20 12:31 71250 Erich_Josef 2012-3-21 04:53
DB vs TB in credit & points earning  ...2 redbaron23 2013-5-30 18:21 82468 EricIdle 2013-6-16 21:33
Sailor Calculator with all nations Cracko 2016-5-29 11:48 42860 sinkope14 2016-7-23 13:21
鏂版墜鎻愰啋锛 recommend hxz2011_a 2017-10-4 23:05 21437 DooDooPen 2017-10-8 01:20
Basic summary of each nation's submarines?  ...234 MrSparkle 2011-8-6 10:58 315720 MonkeyLt 2011-8-10 11:19
boost brige operator kamahl 2011-8-15 17:12 21548 Blazer4show 2011-8-15 21:06
[Question] German Aircraft Carriers  ...2 Erich_Josef 2012-3-20 13:14 113112 Bardioc 2012-3-29 23:24
鏂版墜?绋嬶紒 hy8888_a 2017-10-4 23:13 11249 learner2012_a 2017-10-5 04:29
Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight. recommend  ...23456..8 kevinkong 2014-1-12 07:05 6111399 mykoljan 2014-7-13 23:09
Manual DB vs Auto DB WizardofOz 2014-9-16 08:05 21954 WizardofOz 2014-9-16 16:28
Roebens Radical Report on Responsible Rolling for Recent Rookies. recommend  ...2 Roeben0 2017-10-5 04:35 81415 Roeben0 2017-10-12 00:45
IMPORTANTE USAR UN DD Y CL EN HA O HD edviji14 2018-1-11 06:29 61246 commander08 2018-1-20 07:59
Things that effect Range  ...2 Ackbar25 2012-6-5 09:55 94459 Miphix 2012-6-9 10:16
aiming skill  ...2 purwaceng 2014-10-26 03:27 102598 dpld11 2014-10-31 18:43
My Gun Lines are Short  ...2 phxtr 2011-9-20 03:34 92098 halladay 2011-9-27 08:25
ANOTHER BB Crew Question. Chaosheavens 2011-10-29 09:24 61618 ussr1023 2011-10-29 19:03
Tip To SDE  ...2 FireStormShi 2013-2-2 08:12 153624 fordkid150 2013-2-13 05:39
What ships should I be using AP against? Mikoyabuse 2013-5-7 22:25 41592 Sonlirain 2013-5-8 08:02
wow bigdrew 2014-1-12 08:06 11400 Pancetta 2014-1-12 08:31
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