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D01 今日: 0|主题: 666|排名: 39 

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I've Changed My Mind  ...23456 Rehor 2013-2-27 21:18 417477 Mitch_p 2013-4-21 15:25
Ships nations comparision  ...23 silverwolf54 2013-4-14 01:17 195646 silverwolf54 2013-4-21 03:01
Constant of ships mnemonik 2013-4-20 08:17 31310 mnemonik 2013-4-21 02:03
What should i do to increase the range of my guns  ...2 TirMcDohl 2013-4-4 03:21 122665 AUST_DEVINE 2013-4-17 22:22
how to get the EBB giulio cesare 1940? ranghena 2013-4-8 00:15 31773 ranghena 2013-4-8 01:47
How many experts do i need to burn for over 100 vets?  ...23 TempusIsBack 2013-3-21 12:18 184048 normpearii 2013-3-28 18:07
Experience Calculator KevinJ 2013-3-21 08:05 21886 KevinJ 2013-3-21 10:10
AAW Ability obedtosa 2013-3-19 13:21 31596 danita 2013-3-20 02:14
Seaman  ...23 captgeo62 2013-1-3 07:37 184603 Xawamuraki 2013-3-17 07:25
Mixing Nationality  ...2 Coesy 2013-1-31 01:34 91872 mako089 2013-3-16 17:51
Tip :Don't be a cv BW ,Tactic:Ohmmmm  ...234 mkbismarck 2013-2-15 10:25 255528 Will107 2013-3-13 16:38
Fixing the level gap? Darkfrost 2013-3-9 15:30 51519 Whatzup 2013-3-12 05:57
fighter launching sequence  ...234 weituo 2013-3-3 07:10 244930 normpearii 2013-3-11 04:05
Boosting decreases reload cap Ackbar25 2013-3-10 16:15 31780 Benser33 2013-3-10 19:32
Blitz & Torpedoes unsthable 2013-2-26 18:54 31663 Dragon69 2013-3-3 06:30
Manual Dive and Torpedo Bombing [Tutorial] Kinetic152 2013-2-24 04:17 11786 captgeo62 2013-2-24 05:04
help me with building a cv crew please?  ...2 bladez000000 2013-2-9 11:50 92752 Stealth001 2013-2-17 12:58
SS crew denis123 2013-2-14 20:20 11669 TheAviator 2013-2-14 21:45
Tip To SDE  ...2 FireStormShi 2013-2-2 08:12 153624 fordkid150 2013-2-13 05:39
Part1: about Shell Damage  ...23 akimoto_Akir 2013-2-5 23:29 217660 richardphat 2013-2-8 23:57
best xp for level 55 ? bldlbld 2013-2-3 14:46 71775 PlainTrain 2013-2-5 18:53
just need some quick tips Wiserau21 2013-2-3 18:22 31430 FireStormShi 2013-2-3 20:36
Is it worth going against AW ships with AP in EBB New York? zhanxia10000 2013-2-1 16:04 21653 ErwinJA 2013-2-2 02:55
How to shoot depth charge?  ...2 nireus912 2013-1-27 11:56 123549 Stiks 2013-2-1 06:19
Loading up recruits PlainTrain 2013-1-29 09:08 51632 PlainTrain 2013-1-29 19:58
CV noob Crew Question  ...2 peder5 2013-1-22 20:05 102053 connan_add 2013-1-28 19:19
which fighter is better? you prefer....  ...2 bronxalf 2013-1-12 04:52 123445 connan_add 2013-1-18 09:49
Repair Ability Marc_Anton 2013-1-18 02:18 31574 normpearii 2013-1-18 05:37
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