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D01 今日: 0|主题: 666|排名: 39 

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New BB line svdiablo979 2012-6-6 05:49 11125 ljsevern 2012-6-6 09:08
How to trade ? Fadly_0753 2012-5-26 00:05 31230 Harry74 2012-6-6 07:07
Where can i download nf-calc? rhonzone4 2012-6-4 14:51 21314 V2CxBongRipz 2012-6-4 15:09
AAW resistance point? Dmetrey 2012-6-1 23:24 41525 phantom3553 2012-6-2 14:22
shooting distance Rawsteel 2012-6-1 06:34 41445 phantom3553 2012-6-1 14:13
Support Help KFAJ 2012-5-19 20:27 11050 flaggelant 2012-5-30 15:28
fastest or most efficient way to level a BB crew to 120? TheAviator 2012-5-26 03:15 71942 MaskdBandit 2012-5-29 18:36
kaidai torp men lvl requirements nademan357 2012-5-28 04:16 11455 Sanitarium 2012-5-28 06:13
question holatodobien 2012-5-25 20:48 11154 phantom3553 2012-5-25 22:05
lvl 40 ijn gunners with lvl 12 BO nademan357 2012-5-24 01:31 21448 megabstr 2012-5-24 17:26
DB help  ...23 rigid 2012-1-13 13:08 173380 Maistral 2012-5-21 11:48
any advice on DBs' nation?  ...2 kam0222 2012-5-1 21:33 152786 Harry74 2012-5-21 07:24
Torp bomber ranking by nation  ...2 AHearn5 2012-5-20 15:49 92130 Maistral 2012-5-21 02:02
Power Leveling BB BO? TheAviator 2012-5-19 02:19 51959 mako089 2012-5-20 12:37
Are elite support sailors worth it  ...2 BoS4Life 2012-4-29 08:32 82120 danita 2012-5-20 10:44
Questions from new guy  ...2 Hyyppa 2012-5-19 01:27 81834 flaggelant 2012-5-19 09:09
which nation is has the best cv?  ...2 r0n69 2012-5-1 01:45 123582 Maistral 2012-5-18 11:04
best way to arm a gearing for anti substuff  ...2 maj1lifter 2011-7-24 13:32 153267 Mezak76 2012-5-16 09:19
critical dive phantom3553 2012-5-14 04:33 61706 scottirvine 2012-5-15 07:18
CAPS OF ABILITIES mnemonik 2012-5-12 03:52 11313 normpearii 2012-5-12 07:12
Nutaral Sailor Maximum upgradeable level? Dmetrey 2012-5-11 22:58 31485 normpearii 2012-5-12 07:11
WORKING STATS mnemonik 2012-5-12 03:35 01087 mnemonik 2012-5-12 03:35
Looking for guides McGib_67 2012-5-4 11:51 71460 hoaustin 2012-5-6 05:56
a question about vet conversion  ...2 Artoria 2012-4-30 08:16 81845 Elliot2lazy 2012-4-30 19:06
Can i reach speed cap? Silhorn 2012-4-27 00:35 41476 Silhorn 2012-4-29 04:04
Svetlana(CL) in Blitz: SD2 versus 2x6-inch or 1x8-inch l2ev0luti0n 2012-4-25 15:19 51770 V2CxBongRipz 2012-4-27 17:53
After 900SD Restorer=Useless recommend  ...23 danita 2012-4-20 08:49 175012 scottirvine 2012-4-26 07:26
normal sailor as BO for Prem ships? Harry74 2012-4-24 14:19 31522 OjamaPeter 2012-4-25 04:56
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