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D01 今日: 0|主题: 666|排名: 39 

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Aircraft/Fighter/Bomber ability work for which pilot ? xckkx 2012-4-24 07:19 01481 xckkx 2012-4-24 07:19
NEW Players Look Here 1st Piombo 2012-4-23 23:04 11547 yams42000 2012-4-24 06:24
HELP with Rotating sailor on sailor slots  ...2 TheAaronJano 2012-4-21 10:51 82110 phantom3553 2012-4-22 01:56
Sonar on CV  ...23 Orangeminus 2011-8-4 14:52 174689 cambsguy 2012-4-20 06:40
Russian SS Crew DanielG 2012-3-27 10:11 31461 maceg003 2012-4-20 01:57
Fighter Pilot Classing and OH f444ran 2012-4-17 10:21 41913 f444ran 2012-4-18 11:06
Elite CV crew help BoS4Life 2012-4-12 17:01 51546 V2CxBongRipz 2012-4-18 10:57
Trouble with manual DB-ing jubdub1 2012-4-16 19:55 11541 Bart133 2012-4-16 20:26
CV class Nooby question Need help macjessco4 2012-4-16 14:18 41311 mako089 2012-4-16 17:15
GB strategies for non-BB,CV,SS  ...23 l2ev0luti0n 2012-3-23 19:30 205202 Ultra_Dog 2012-4-15 08:42
Hedgehog ranghena 2012-4-13 04:14 41418 jubdub1 2012-4-14 09:50
Restorer in BB crew  ...2 GenDisorder 2011-12-30 13:00 112873 Plazmadj 2012-4-13 16:15
What crew should I have with USN SS(Gato)?? storm3374 2012-4-7 22:02 41561 captaincvfd 2012-4-8 17:33
stats and classing of SS torperdoman OjamaPeter 2012-4-3 15:20 21794 OjamaPeter 2012-4-4 00:12
Why Repair and restore? not engine? fortytung 2012-3-29 20:40 41584 megabstr 2012-3-31 18:04
What ability is more important when making a AA gunner? When making a torp man? brandona645 2012-3-19 09:39 51779 CNR4806 2012-3-30 09:54
[Question] German Aircraft Carriers  ...2 Erich_Josef 2012-3-20 13:14 113112 Bardioc 2012-3-29 23:24
Figuring Sailor Base Ability HeadhunterXr 2012-3-24 13:12 11317 cambsguy 2012-3-24 13:14
aa escort xiones11 2012-3-23 15:56 21284 rocketeer1 2012-3-23 22:34
Guns? shaikhdann 2012-3-23 14:19 41282 megabstr 2012-3-23 17:19
Wich is better? mrebb86 2012-3-23 15:33 01104 mrebb86 2012-3-23 15:33
Prem UK and IJN Fighters MukMuk 2012-3-22 19:40 31697 replika30 2012-3-23 09:51
Boost Sailors or use Experts and vets packs first? hiroito 2012-3-23 05:56 22072 hiroito 2012-3-23 07:34
Suggestion for BBs  ...2 limegargoyle 2012-3-4 02:41 133100 Sonlirain 2012-3-23 06:58
Wait, I CAN ONLY CHOOSE 1 WAY xiones11 2012-3-21 20:26 51494 xiones11 2012-3-22 14:32
Italian Bombers TB or DB? Ultra_Dog 2012-3-22 10:58 11199 Sonlirain 2012-3-22 11:57
[Question] How to level for an Aircraft Carrier Erich_Josef 2012-3-22 07:13 31654 Ultra_Dog 2012-3-22 10:26
Should pilots be classed on time? brandona645 2012-3-19 17:21 61438 mako089 2012-3-21 15:10
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