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D02 今日: 0|主题: 1835|排名: 38 

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Subscription/Notify whenever someone PM richardphat 2011-9-30 16:38 4969 Humberto20 2011-10-2 12:37
unbann subs for night battles recommend  ...2345 NIborGER 2011-9-23 02:43 353559 leaderwolf 2011-10-2 01:26
Forum Quick Fixes normpearii 2011-10-1 07:11 4981 aingeal 2011-10-1 19:11
Bring back the old stickys and guides bradleyf1ght 2011-10-1 03:53 3893 nyerkovic 2011-10-1 07:49
key profiles rob84 2011-9-30 20:21 3837 aingeal 2011-9-30 22:03
Boost the value of restorer  ...2 billchan 2011-9-24 07:12 142131 aingeal 2011-9-30 21:50
TRADE SYNC adm_bach 2011-9-29 20:06 2939 nyerkovic 2011-9-30 11:26
Tier 5 fighters Baker654 2011-9-29 06:16 61333 Baker654 2011-9-29 20:21
Make NF a lobby Eradicator1 2011-9-28 18:01 5951 Eufonioum 2011-9-29 10:13
Different colors for T4 fighters and T5 scouts Elliot2lazy 2011-9-28 20:46 41035 Eufonioum 2011-9-29 10:10
occupatoinal war?  ...2 crackmonk 2011-9-19 18:10 131995 crackmonk 2011-9-28 22:57
Host notifications Invinciblor 2011-9-28 18:16 41327 aingeal 2011-9-28 22:26
The EXP Suggestion  ...23 normpearii 2011-9-25 10:53 192506 normpearii 2011-9-28 18:51
Best Season Players Hoplita 2011-9-28 04:11 4911 Invinciblor 2011-9-28 12:30
Room for players leveling between 60-90  ...234 billchan 2011-9-23 03:31 302970 KinGWaR 2011-9-27 09:01
Recon pilot promotions  ...2 Baker654 2011-9-26 02:45 122761 Baker654 2011-9-27 02:41
This Fall Event Calendar/ flamedexter 2011-9-23 01:47 5955 Eradicator1 2011-9-25 13:28
New event idea Zeabz 2011-9-23 10:58 1957 KingCong 2011-9-24 14:53
True Value for pilots drakkuo 2011-9-24 03:48 31019 Invinciblor 2011-9-24 07:02
New Game Mode: Assault recommend  ...23 ICEBREAKER 2011-9-19 02:47 192476 Happymeal2 2011-9-23 04:13
Solution to the SS cloudmom 2011-9-22 11:50 11574 Invinciblor 2011-9-22 12:44
give the chance for sailors to stop gaining xp jotabe 2011-9-17 10:34 51410 KingCong 2011-9-22 11:54
Border Humping - a new solution recommend  ...23456..8 RafaelZ28 2011-7-10 19:36 576134 CaptianAlpha 2011-9-22 11:31
Allow ranking search to encompass Hall of Fame Eradicator1 2011-9-21 19:58 31145 Thebarrel 2011-9-22 10:33
Prem Off and On switch Impsamurai 2011-9-21 15:47 6965 bubba75 2011-9-22 01:22
Soviet PCL: Admiral Ushakov Class  ...2 BarracudaSp 2011-7-17 10:31 133271 ReinforceII 2011-9-21 16:14
Competitive Bomber Gameplay ciscodelorum 2011-9-21 14:31 4926 cambsguy 2011-9-21 16:01
ingame mic system?  ...234 crackmonk 2011-9-1 19:37 243007 crackmonk 2011-9-19 21:42
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