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D02 今日: 0|主题: 1835|排名: 38 

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Balanced BB non allowed HH  ...2345 leaderwolf 2011-8-31 12:32 364704 aingeal 2011-9-8 10:32
Remove PHH from the game.  ...2 ljsevern 2011-9-7 17:03 132307 aingeal 2011-9-8 10:26
Wall of Shame (or Fail or Banned or whatever won't get a Copyright infringement) normpearii 2011-9-3 20:07 31160 japex 2011-9-7 18:14
few suggestions from noob billchan 2011-9-7 01:56 3995 phantom3553 2011-9-7 15:06
Reduce CV aircraft capacity?  ...23 Sonlirain 2011-9-5 17:06 192538 normpearii 2011-9-7 03:18
Do not release SS5's until SS Balance goes through the test team.  ...23456..7 free3play 2011-9-5 16:03 505644 PrathikNS 2011-9-6 10:47
New "Eventual" Ships  ...2345 RedNemo 2011-9-2 13:01 334017 KingCong 2011-9-5 13:06
SCOUT FOR NELSON!  ...234 RajahSoliman 2011-8-29 23:05 273427 hiroito 2011-9-5 07:45
Limit # new thread/player/week in suggestion  ...23 aingeal 2011-8-31 23:15 183622 ljsevern 2011-9-4 03:19
Give fleet leaders the abilty to move people within the fleet of other squads. recommend jmardlin 2011-8-14 09:59 71735 aingeal 2011-9-3 20:10
Suggestion: FORUM new tool/  ...234 Humberto20 2011-9-2 13:04 253055 ljsevern 2011-9-3 10:56
New Ship Lines For All! recommend  ...2 levisthered 2011-8-4 09:19 1210698 leaderwolf 2011-9-3 10:35
Turn yellow sailors into white recommend  ...23456..7 UUolf 2011-7-12 08:35 526132 UUolf 2011-9-3 08:56
DISABLE VISUAL CHEAT - GB1  ...2 Ultra_Dog 2011-8-31 11:40 101811 UUolf 2011-9-3 08:52
open harbor owners to 2 GRANTED!!! recommend  ...23456..11 devildog8 2011-7-26 12:43 8210531 devildog8 2011-9-3 07:38
Proposed HA Time Changes copied from main. recommend  ...234 farazelleth 2011-7-27 06:05 306457 devildog8 2011-9-2 13:48
Armor Azyren 2011-9-1 17:02 2928 aingeal 2011-9-1 21:22
Submarines General Suggestion.( Edited )  ...23456..7 Humberto20 2011-8-28 20:33 515685 pureterror 2011-9-1 20:46
Ship/Class/Tier Balance Threads Moved to Test Server Discussion  ...2 ljsevern 2011-9-1 11:12 122023 ljsevern 2011-9-1 16:42
Subs mkzblaster 2011-9-1 03:09 2987 mkzblaster 2011-9-1 08:58
depth charge launcher eagleowl68 2011-8-30 02:07 52635 KingCong 2011-8-31 11:05
Team chat in waiting room Invinciblor 2011-8-29 22:39 61160 KingCong 2011-8-31 10:12
burning ship cred ozzy0 2011-8-30 07:45 41313 quietcos 2011-8-31 01:50
Buff aiming FCS guidlines for lower level BBs? Sonlirain 2011-8-30 08:49 61131 aingeal 2011-8-30 17:20
NF rare candy...  ...2 Impsamurai 2011-8-28 13:03 132149 Rick5000 2011-8-30 04:54
Sailor class balance Vlad381 2011-8-27 14:52 4953 Taniano 2011-8-30 00:38
Planes Rick5000 2011-8-28 09:08 1966 KingCong 2011-8-29 12:12
More event Battle NIborGER 2011-8-29 10:29 0915 NIborGER 2011-8-29 10:29
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