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总置顶 隐藏置顶帖 打通全平台,苹果安卓、手机、平板通通可以玩海战!! attach_img TEAMFM01 2021-2-15 19:45 432379 dj4253276 2024-3-27 21:32
总置顶 隐藏置顶帖 舰队使命大海战2当前活跃玩家分布信息(2022年5月9日更新) attach_img  ...23456..12 teamfm03 2020-1-29 13:23 8937529 zhanshen88888 2023-6-4 07:52
隐藏置顶帖 无法更新启动游戏或崩溃的常见问题解决办法 attach_img lorejfx 2017-9-30 18:25 059544 liuxu1234 2020-5-9 20:47
隐藏置顶帖 出现游戏卡顿延迟掉线的初级诊断方法 attach_img 大雄 2017-12-4 22:28 043920 ginozhang 2020-4-30 22:56
隐藏置顶帖 舰队使命大海战2国际服务器规则及相关许可协议【20231112更新】 vinnson 2018-4-30 04:13 0136109 vinnson 2018-4-30 04:13
No longer able to Activate Account! pirate_skull 2018-5-13 05:23 1779 aphroditexu 2018-5-13 15:39
Olive / Item / Medal Store? wildcard442 2018-5-11 10:21 2844 wai428 2018-5-13 12:44
BB6s in GBs  ...2345 ooh_kill_em 2018-4-9 15:09 344565 Burg 2018-4-29 07:16
what is now with NF Crystals connii 2018-4-27 06:31 2941 xiliki_a 2018-4-28 23:48
All ships will be sold?  ...2 reaptor 2018-4-25 07:10 92200 Piombo 2018-4-28 09:51
When will GM announce Crystal Winners? sarang 2018-4-27 21:44 1989 nipper2271 2018-4-28 06:59
may i get it back before this coming new era? outin 2018-4-26 17:43 11411 hashhead666 2018-4-27 15:15
Trade Mark1632 2018-4-26 21:26 01105 Mark1632 2018-4-26 21:26
new nation? techdome26 2018-4-26 19:32 01315 techdome26 2018-4-26 19:32
Question for GM - Prem / Event Ships Ships & Unuser items after merger BlackratX 2018-4-25 09:18 11069 opnite 2018-4-26 16:29
GM, If you combine servers sarang 2018-4-26 16:28 01220 sarang 2018-4-26 16:28
new era?? pet_cz 2018-4-25 08:53 01042 pet_cz 2018-4-25 08:53
Server Merge ooh_kill_em 2018-4-25 08:33 01550 ooh_kill_em 2018-4-25 08:33
NF Crystal Winners ( GM ) Fed_Reserve 2018-4-25 01:35 21023 mido 2018-4-25 03:33
Let's just play games quietly. mycall99 2018-4-24 19:17 0762 mycall99 2018-4-24 19:17
Still crashing like crazy mustangman 2018-4-19 11:47 51618 techdome26 2018-4-23 16:52
Maximun veterans tunned 2018-4-21 10:26 21053 techdome26 2018-4-22 08:19
what is this? thd106 2018-4-21 19:50 1808 BWOopsy 2018-4-22 02:07
About medals ?? ismailov 2018-4-18 03:11 21180 Dragon_Boats 2018-4-19 09:34
BB6 Open Invitation Tournament scoreboard and VS  ...2 liming 2018-2-18 01:47 134005 liming 2018-4-18 22:42
銆怱omeone's live but gone銆 chinaak47 2018-4-15 19:59 2850 Lahm 2018-4-16 09:42
Sovietsky Spiral vs Yamato 1945 !!! ismailov 2018-4-13 23:26 41530 vader333 2018-4-15 09:46
How's the game mustangman 2018-4-13 18:22 41509 fail_member 2018-4-14 22:12
redeem scores BIGpappason 2018-4-14 07:06 1749 mido 2018-4-14 09:48
about trade ! ismailov 2018-4-14 01:42 01100 ismailov 2018-4-14 01:42
player? MAGBANUA 2018-4-14 01:14 0895 MAGBANUA 2018-4-14 01:14
Game play idea locefer 2018-4-12 05:22 01146 locefer 2018-4-12 05:22
i can't login for steam ID thd106 2018-4-11 00:20 02043 thd106 2018-4-11 00:20
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