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C03 今日: 0|主题: 507|排名: 41 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
dd and cv shell damage unitedfoe 2012-4-1 03:41 0934 unitedfoe 2012-4-1 03:41
Le Havre  ...234 phantom3553 2012-2-29 13:52 293464 GrieferLord 2012-3-31 08:40
Italian Local FP Bug Rehor 2012-3-16 13:56 41100 Ultra_Dog 2012-3-28 14:15
MM plz send request for fixing BB6 GUN鈥榮 out-look  ...2 ashokacarrot 2012-3-24 14:25 131778 f0xd1e 2012-3-27 13:01
Different gun turning angles tappo01 2012-3-27 01:36 0644 tappo01 2012-3-27 01:36
ECV Question...  ...234 SiriusA 2012-2-23 20:31 263981 hiroito 2012-3-25 18:18
Test Server FAQ ljsevern 2011-7-28 13:39 72557 ljsevern 2012-3-25 12:24
Italy - fixes incoming  ...23456 mailman 2012-3-19 01:31 405315 GrieferLord 2012-3-25 06:42
AP exploit clarification  ...2 richardphat 2012-3-21 20:47 141982 V2CxBongRipz 2012-3-23 08:01
Spelling PrathikNS 2012-3-22 21:35 2819 Etheryte 2012-3-23 05:32
why the Dante Alighieri cant use his historical 12*3 guns锛 ashokacarrot 2012-3-22 16:51 1990 Rehor 2012-3-22 17:14
fix RM BB6 gun's out look ashokacarrot 2012-3-21 23:38 41021 ashokacarrot 2012-3-22 12:05
Just asking, don't burn me down please.  ...23 Maistral 2012-3-13 05:58 212872 Monarch 2012-3-22 11:38
test server user and pass freakboy 2012-3-22 08:22 3957 cambsguy 2012-3-22 09:35
Next  ...23 SiriusA 2012-3-16 16:35 161807 hiroito 2012-3-21 06:21
italian mines  ...2 lukavz 2012-3-16 14:38 111460 maceg003 2012-3-19 02:10
Italian engines are fragile! koka99km 2012-3-17 01:53 31114 dolfie999 2012-3-17 19:04
Italian depth charges techdome26 2012-3-17 03:52 3833 lukavz 2012-3-17 08:40
Additional patch note - guidelines update  ...23456 mailman 2012-3-2 01:26 476060 yams42000 2012-3-16 11:35
Abruzzi Viper01 2012-3-16 05:25 0674 Viper01 2012-3-16 05:25
Official Tests Viper01 2012-3-14 13:55 5835 GrieferLord 2012-3-14 19:41
New guideline feature patch bugg/fail?  ...2345 richardphat 2012-3-5 13:30 363775 mav2kfk 2012-3-14 13:24
and the winner of the biggest noob award goes to.........  ...23 cambsguy 2012-2-6 08:18 182516 nyerkovic 2012-3-13 10:47
Italy: premium ship and gun list  ...2 mailman 2012-2-8 03:50 134210 straswa 2012-3-12 11:53
Abruzzi **MM edit included** mardok 2012-3-7 05:55 41517 straswa 2012-3-12 11:52
Patch notes - march 7th  ...23 mailman 2012-3-7 07:50 173814 V2CxBongRipz 2012-3-11 07:40
Quick PCA + Aircraft Changes for Italy  ...2 SiriusA 2012-3-6 20:02 131956 alleanah 2012-3-10 11:32
about tiers; from DD1 to BB3 mardok 2012-3-9 06:52 11210 angus725 2012-3-9 15:17
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