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D02 今日: 0|主题: 1835|排名: 38 

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subs mus t repair before diveing  ...2 connan_add 2014-1-28 19:03 142939 kabukinoh 2014-2-5 10:24
Minor suggestion regarding some French destroyers. kabukinoh 2014-1-31 18:12 21371 kabukinoh 2014-2-5 10:10
30% exp item ForcedPlayer 2014-1-25 09:56 51759 CA74 2014-1-31 02:28
more support slots for cvs  ...2 connan_add 2014-1-26 16:03 91575 mini_beer 2014-1-31 00:46
3 hour Random events Spydrsi 2014-1-30 00:37 11148 webster514 2014-1-30 16:27
change colour of squad chat in battle Spydrsi 2014-1-30 15:37 01097 Spydrsi 2014-1-30 15:37
flying boat woodskier 2014-1-29 11:44 31336 zhanxia10000 2014-1-29 20:58
Fix the game GeneralSJG 2014-1-27 17:13 31647 whiskybob 2014-1-28 11:38
TAG or NO TAG in GB  ...2 Spydrsi 2014-1-25 15:16 112977 tonecore101 2014-1-27 01:03
pre HA declaration of war connan_add 2014-1-25 16:44 41257 Cracko 2014-1-26 14:23
HA Room Type crash84 2014-1-25 20:59 01277 crash84 2014-1-25 20:59
new map / game mode EricIdle 2014-1-24 00:22 61285 connan_add 2014-1-25 16:35
2 more arc707 2014-1-24 04:59 01437 arc707 2014-1-24 04:59
exp bounty scallywag666 2014-1-20 12:40 11463 webster514 2014-1-22 19:43
make it so you can "sort" crew when adding experts/vets? recommend  ...2 FireBallXL5 2013-12-21 04:25 81835 mustang06 2014-1-22 18:46
Dedicated Scout Slot recommend  ...2345 fromage 2013-12-6 20:48 385464 mustang06 2014-1-22 10:49
Introduce an achievement system SylverXI 2014-1-15 10:00 41909 K_19 2014-1-20 20:14
Setting experience to cv / jump to the border recommend  ...2 URRS 2014-1-13 16:58 112651 bergy 2014-1-20 11:58
depthcharges  ...2 Hullsmasher 2014-1-19 13:20 102226 Hullsmasher 2014-1-20 01:00
Spell Check ajb7988 2014-1-19 14:12 51442 Billme 2014-1-19 17:07
Regional Forum - Romania (romanian laguage) recommend  ...23 Scufundatoru 2014-1-14 03:55 223014 Magnific 2014-1-19 02:30
HA in WAW mode Mikolski 2014-1-16 01:44 51310 aide4 2014-1-18 10:38
About Ships and the sheer number you could add without adding once never existed Kouta_Seto 2014-1-16 03:25 21412 Happymeal2 2014-1-18 08:28
Serious In-game Harbour Overhaul Project recommend bacardi170 2013-12-26 04:27 31869 bacardi170 2014-1-16 09:41
HD Graphics for NF.  ...2 JUGGERBR 2014-1-13 23:28 101893 JUGGERBR 2014-1-15 21:43
Shipyard Increase Kinetic152 2014-1-15 10:35 01169 Kinetic152 2014-1-15 10:35
Some use for the poll section in the website. Cracko 2014-1-15 06:56 01154 Cracko 2014-1-15 06:56
BB and CV limit needs to be increased tappo01 2014-1-14 06:38 41198 Figate 2014-1-14 07:17
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