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总置顶 隐藏置顶帖 打通全平台,苹果安卓、手机、平板通通可以玩海战!! attach_img TEAMFM01 2021-2-15 19:45 432268 dj4253276 2024-3-27 21:32
总置顶 隐藏置顶帖 舰队使命大海战2当前活跃玩家分布信息(2022年5月9日更新) attach_img  ...23456..12 teamfm03 2020-1-29 13:23 8937494 zhanshen88888 2023-6-4 07:52
隐藏置顶帖 无法更新启动游戏或崩溃的常见问题解决办法 attach_img lorejfx 2017-9-30 18:25 059442 liuxu1234 2020-5-9 20:47
隐藏置顶帖 出现游戏卡顿延迟掉线的初级诊断方法 attach_img 大雄 2017-12-4 22:28 043888 ginozhang 2020-4-30 22:56
隐藏置顶帖 舰队使命大海战2国际服务器规则及相关许可协议【20231112更新】 vinnson 2018-4-30 04:13 0135322 vinnson 2018-4-30 04:13
What level of operation is the tosa? mycall99 2018-4-4 17:50 1945 galashiguy 2018-4-5 16:31
Yamato 1945 ? soulseeker4 2018-4-2 04:01 21336 Kakoener 2018-4-4 02:48
3 seaman in CV, is it useless? lymark 2017-8-15 00:42 62758 galashiguy 2018-2-23 16:00
Hybrid BB/CV Crew - Suggestions?  ...23 Antiqua 2015-1-9 15:42 195068 galashiguy 2018-2-9 11:25
IJN Sub Gun spot Watashi714 2016-10-2 19:54 31603 Naharaht 2017-2-17 21:26
I54 Torp Man required level Watashi714 2016-12-18 12:12 11605 JuventusFC 2016-12-19 04:07
IJN SS5 Kai Kou.. I think I have been downgraded Watashi714 2016-12-17 08:57 21436 Watashi714 2016-12-18 11:08
Better Armor on Yamato??? RKaiser11 2015-12-3 05:10 52639 joris92 2015-12-6 02:36
Trouble sortieing with the Atago blitzdonner 2015-11-8 18:08 31973 joris92 2015-11-15 05:16
Engine IJN centrifuga99 2015-9-2 12:51 11897 soulseeker4 2015-9-15 04:48
Super Yamoto speed 36 instead of 42 Burg 2015-8-11 13:29 32139 Lordfail 2015-8-13 22:24
my IJN Fighters? Davao_slayer 2015-7-12 06:59 12148 Faronth 2015-7-12 09:15
japan yamy range mkzblaster 2015-2-3 05:27 62776 mkzblaster 2015-2-3 15:09
building IJN bb crew  ...23 Sumi808 2014-12-6 22:10 204687 dessesbo 2015-1-31 23:12
playing ijn as fighter whore samhuda 2015-1-13 06:29 11816 doomsday420 2015-1-13 13:03
Need advice for DP gunner Lord_Noi 2014-12-26 09:46 12047 axyarthur 2014-12-26 15:22
Mikawa the highest and last EBB? Silhorn 2014-12-23 00:39 31946 Tabihun 2014-12-26 05:40
IJN SS BO Rick5000 2014-12-19 09:23 11730 axyarthur 2014-12-19 10:27
SS TB planes StealthGar 2014-1-2 14:14 52155 ZeonRepublic 2014-12-6 20:54
IJN - Premium and Event shiplist Dragon_Boats 2014-9-4 18:56 63267 lord_helmche 2014-11-27 10:56
ebb mikawa smooof 2014-3-15 01:18 72990 kartofflr 2014-11-4 12:40
Jap guns capable of shooting blocks? nireus912 2012-12-28 02:30 52257 EricIdle 2014-9-25 13:12
IJN range/spread  ...2 richardphat 2014-2-1 16:22 154758 Zanedraco77 2014-9-11 18:15
kita kami sssssssssss7 2014-9-2 00:34 21677 sssssssssss7 2014-9-2 04:21
how to adjust the BB shooting guide line...... Artoria 2014-8-17 00:17 71782 EricIdle 2014-8-28 04:29
How do i know what level a DP gunner was classed? exo_skel73 2014-8-20 18:01 41547 exo_skel73 2014-8-21 17:07
Webster's IJN CV Guide  ...2 webster514 2014-5-21 16:29 104430 seeker407111 2014-8-21 14:52
Musashi vs Shinano  ...2 Gosajd 2013-11-6 12:19 94706 exo_skel73 2014-8-13 19:49
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